Navigate the impact of past weather events on your property with our detailed reports, backed by expert analysis. Our dependable and trusted data sources ensure you receive the most accurate weather insights.
We provide comprehensive weather reports detailing severe weather events that might have impacted your property over the past three years.
Our team, led by a PhD Certified Consulting Meteorologist and Climatologist, employs a proprietary algorithm to process weather data, offering you accurate insights.
Our data is derived from established and trustworthy platforms like the National Weather Service's Doppler Radar, in-situ reports, and the NOAA.
Our dedicated team is led by a PhD Certified Consulting Meteorologist and Climatologist. Our proprietary algorithm processes reliable weather data to produce informative and accurate reports. These insights aid you in understanding potential impacts on your home."
We filter out minor hail sizes and concentrate on significant events, ensuring you receive relevant and precise reports.
NOAA reports the previous 24 hours' worth of storms at midnight on the following day, which may cause our storm dates to appear a day earlier. This discrepancy doesn't impact the reliability or accuracy of our data.
We pride ourselves on the scientific precision and integrity of our data, providing you with trustworthy insights into weather impacts on your property.
Knowing your home's history of severe weather exposure is crucial. It aids in assessing the condition of key home elements, planning preventive maintenance, and can support insurance claims if needed. Trust Extreme Weather Insights to empower you with the knowledge you need to protect and maintain your home effectively.